5 Remedies- White Spots or Powdery Mildew fungal disease of Plant

  5 Remedies White Spots or Powdery Mildew

What is powdery mildew?

Powdery mildew is a plant disease. The fungus that causes white patches on leaves is known as powdery mildew.

When does powdery mildew attack?

When a plant is not directly exposed to sunlight. This fungus grows on leaves in the winter due to mist. When the temperature drops below 21 degrees Celsius, this fungus may attack.

Avoid placing plants in shaded areas, especially for those who love summer direct sunlight.

Besides the application of any remedy during the powdery mildew avoid giving nitrogen fertilizer to the plant.

This disease has three stages.

First stage

The disease can be treated at this point with a home remedy if you observe a few white spots on the upper section of the leaves.

Intermediate stage

At this stage, powder mildew enters the leaf and causes damage to the cells and tissues. With simple home remedies, you can stop the disease.

Advanced stage

Almost all of the leaves in this stage lost their green color and now seem white or powdery. This stage may result in the plant's demise.

      1. Milk Solution

Spray your plant thoroughly with a solution made of 90% water and 10% milk in your spray bottle before putting it in direct sunshine.

Direct sunlight interacts with milk protein spray to produce an antibacterial effect and burn the top layer of fungus. During this process, fungus perished. Milk's potassium and phosphate strengthen plants' defenses and aid them in combating this fungus disease.

Spraying this milk solution twice, separated by a week, is the treatment for the early stage.

    2.   Hard Water Spray

Hard water contains a number of substances, including sodium, magnesium, and calcium carbonate. If hard water is thoroughly sprayed on the leaves and stems, powdery mildew may die because the PH of the hard water alters the PH of the powdery mildew fungus is the treatment of early stage.

3.       3. Neem oil spray

Neem oil and soap can be sprayed on the stems and foliage to get rid of powdery mildew in the early stages.

 To prepare this spray, combine 1 teaspoon of neem oil with 1 teaspoon of any soap in 1 liter of water. Spray the mixture over the plant's leaves and stems.


4.        4. Baking Soda solution Spray

Add one teaspoon of baking soda to one liter of water, two teaspoons of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of natural castile soap will help suffocate and kill insects on contact as well as spread fungal spores, and the natural soap will act as a spreader sticker to keep the solution where it needs to be on the leaves. 

Combine the ingredients, and spray the plants every three days to contain an outbreak or twice a month for preventative purposes.

The combination of baking soda, oil, and dish soap is far superior to other home cures. On this, there won't be a single trace of powdery mildew. Completely remove all powdery mildew from the tops and bottoms of the leaves.

 This treatment stops powdery mildew in its early to mid stages.

 5. Use products from Bayer AG, such as if powdery mildew has severely damaged the plant

  • Folicur fungicide (Tebuconazole) and 
  • Nativo Fungicide,    (Tebuconazolet Trifloxystrobin 75WG)

 Always remember to test a new product on a leaf first before applying it to your garden; it's just good gardening practice.

 How can you defend your plant against a powdery mildew attack?



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